Back to School Safety Tips

Returning to school is often accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions – the thrill of a new beginning, apprehension about upcoming challenges, and the happiness of reuniting with friends and getting back into a routine. However, with all the excitement, don’t forget the importance of personal safety.

Here are some vital safety tips for students as they embark on their new academic year:

1) Know the Route

Become familiar with the safest path to and from school or the bus stop, whether walking, biking, or driving. Steer clear of shortcuts through isolated areas and always inform someone when leaving and upon reaching a destination.

3) Move in Groups

There’s safety in numbers. staying with a group can deter potential dangers.

5) Have Essential Safety Tools

Where allowed, consider non-lethal protection such as a whistle, personal alarm, pepper spray or stun gun. (ensure it’s permissible and know how to use it). Carry a charged phone with important emergency contacts stored.

7) Recognize Safe Zones

Become acquainted with secure spots on or adjacent to the campus, such as administrative offices, police departments, security desks, or dependable businesses where one can seek help if in distress.

9) Exercise Online Vigilance

Approach unsolicited online interactions or requests skeptically, even if they seem to be from known peers or educators. With an increasing shift towards digital learning, remind children about the importance of not sharing personal information online. Monitor their online interactions, especially with unfamiliar individuals. Educate them about cyberbullying and ensure they feel comfortable reporting any unpleasant encounters. Have good, distinct passwords for varying online accounts, particularly those holding personal data.

11) Stay Informed

Establish an open line of communication with the school. Attend parent-teacher meetings, be aware of the school’s emergency protocols, and know how to get in touch with the school in case of any concerns.

2) Maintain Alertness

Avoid distractions such as cell phone usage, headphones, or other activities that divert attention from the environment. If anything or anyone appears questionable, trust instincts and maintain a safe distance. Recognize if people are parked and sitting in vehicles in unusual places like on your street or near the bus stop.

4) Guard Personal Information

Avoid yard signs, backpacks, lunchboxes, or clothing with children’s names displayed. Such details can be exploited by ill-intentioned individuals. Exercise caution when divulging personal details, addresses, and routines on social media.

6) Establish Communication Times

If attending a late class or an after-school event, determine regular intervals to touch base with someone to confirm safety.

8) Safeguard Possessions

Refrain from leaving possessions unguarded. Utilize locks for gym compartments and always remember where personal items like backpacks and electronic devices are placed. Never leave backpacks, purses, or valuable belonging in a vehicle in clear sight.

10) Emergency Information

Children should memorize important contact information – parents’ names, home phone number, and address.

12) Learning basic self-defense techniques can boost

Learning basic self-defense techniques can boost confidence and might help deter a situation. Make sure to get training from a reputable company. Silverback Self Defense offers individual, family and group Self Defense training.

Back to school is a time of excitement and growth. By instilling safe practices and being proactive, we can ensure that our children make the most of their academic year without unnecessary risks.


Wishing all the students a safe and successful school year ahead!

“It's better to know what we teach and not need it than to need what we teach and not know it.”




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